Monday 13 April 2009

gone to glory!

On Saturday Norman and Jean came. We took them to the famous coffee morning at which Jean bought a pair of designer shoes for £5 and which we all had a good two hours of chat with various friends.
When we got back we noticed that my poorly hen was being sick again so Norman said it was time to put it out of it's misery. I agreed, so Norman necked it. As it was still flapping about, Graham put a bullet in it's head as well just to be sure. I was sorry,but glad that I had tried my best for it and apart from the last few weeks it has had a happy life.
Spoke to Pat on the phone. She sounded quite chirpy.
Ate half an easter egg and then wished I hadn't. It wasn't worth 330 calories!
More later Sheila x


Mary Sue said...

Sheila, got your chocolate today. Thanks so much!! Since I wasn't feeling too good yesterday (boy, I'm glad that day is over)I'm cooking the lamb's in the oven now. We'll have chocolate for desert. Thanks again.
Sorry to hear about your hen.

Mike Saif said...

That poor chicken. I remember me and Val killing our chickens. I think I was the only one that would eat them.

Mary Sue said...

Well, that doesn't surprise me.