Tuesday 28 December 2010

Christmas whisky

Graham couldn't believe the size of the glass on christmas day. Mind you he has made up for it since.
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red moon

I love this photo that Graham took of the moon rising over the sea at mablethorpe.it needs enlarging to get the full effect.
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Tuesday 21 December 2010

Through my kitchen window

This mornings sunrise from my kitchen window. It looked magical but I didn't have to go out in it!!
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Wednesday 15 December 2010

Apple pinwheels

mary Sue set me off and I just had to make some apple,walnut and maple syrup pinwheels.
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Sunday 12 December 2010

Airline food

This made me laugh, not least because I am soon to face airline food.!

" The problem with airline food is that they try to do something posh, with several courses drizzled with extra words, but then give you a table the size of a mouse mat!
Even at the pointy end of the aeroplane it's a bit of an elbows in affair, but if you want to butter a bread roll in the cheap seats, then three people have to get up and stand in the aisle."

Not much else has been happening. yesterday was coffee morning where I had a Jam Stall and sold a bit. This morning has been spent plucking and cleaning two pheasants given to us by a neighbour whose son went shooting yesterday. The pheasants are now nicely settled in the freezer.

Just had a phone call from my sister. Things are better in Sheffield now that the snow is melting.
we still have a lot of ice but it's much warmer today.
Thats all for now.
Sheila x