Saturday 19 January 2008


Last night we went to a restaurant in the town and it was very nice too. I had grilled artichokes for my starter ant they were delicious. Today, as Mary Sue was busy we went out in the car and only got lost a couple of times. We found the Walmart and the whole food shop so we were able to buy things for dinner, I made pasta and roast chicken and then we tried to catch up with our e.mails. If farmer Joe is reading this .............could you please e. mail us as we can't get on to our address book and we would like to hear from you (but not if it's any bad news!)
The dogs are missing montana Mike although I am doing my best to keep them entertained, including running through the rooms with Billy!
I'm off to bed now. more later Sheila

1 comment:

farmerjoe said...

Hi Travellers,
Getting you loud and clear, no news is good news the house on the prairie is O K and the rent comes in handy as i am buying next years xmas presents. Put the bins out yesterday to keep the wildlife at bay. Will send an e-mail to you at your house as i am not sure if you can get the address off this.
Love from millionaires row.