Saturday 1 October 2011

An idiot abroad.

I forgot to say that "An Idiot Abroad " series two has started. I have watched two episodes and I am still reserving judgement. Because he now knows what is going to happen to him, they have altered the format somewhat . He is now told that he is exercising freewill by choosing things from a bucket list of things to do before you die. So far he has been marooned on a desert island ( not very good) and has gone on the "Trans Siberian railway".
Yesterday I went to the Lincolnshire ladies lunch. A prestigious occasion for all the movers and shakers ( plus a few non entities like me!) It was such a hot day and after a huge three course lunch it was terribly difficult not to fall asleep during the lecture. i had to remind my friend to give me a nudge if she saw me nodding off. I should point out that I am a mass of bruises from her costant prodding!

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