Saturday 29 May 2010

My leg.

Thought you might like to see a picture of the injury I sustained to my shin this morning. I had decided to clean the windows before the sun got on them. Unfortunately I slipped off the chair I was using as a ladder. A hugh egg came up on my shin, It's subsided somewhat now although it bloody hurts! However my windows are sparkling and clean and are not making me ashamed everytime the sun shines on them!
Ed the duck is still going strong and swimming merrily in the pool despite mother hen having a fit every time the duck goes in the water. The farmer told me yesterday that it is ok for a hen to raise ducks but not for ducks to raise hens as they inevitably drown them by introducing them to water not knowing that they can't swim.
The farmer also tried to give me a cockerel but I have decided to wait until I know the sex of the three chicks that are merrily running around. it will be hard if they are all males as they will have to go.
The meter reader came yesterday. He's going to get me half a dozen rescue hens from the battery farm. They will come around the beginning of June. That will be fun and games! How well they will be accepted by the other "girls" remains to be seen.
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1 comment:

Sheila or Graham said...

She is "over egging" things again,anyway thats her out of the England squad. Graham