Thursday, 24 March 2011


Deciding to pull myself together, graham and I went to a local shop. On our way there we decided to visit our old hens in their new home. What a surprise to find Ed the Duck still firmly in charge. Still bossing the two cockerels, who are so grown that we hardly recognised them. One of our original hens has died but the others are still the same. they all live in a hut with a big fat pig! They perch on his back and he doesn't seem to mind. There were three horses, several very noisy geese and two large owls, and one small owl. all in all a total menagerie. We came away with some fresh eggs and an invitation to visit any time!
The weather is absolutely glorious and spring is definately here. Time to put the garden furniture out. Perhaps not, as soon as we do the weather will revert back to winter.
sheila x

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

Our weather is the same. Hot one day and snow the next.