Saturday, 5 March 2011


Continueing yesterday's post I can reveal that after some initial tossing and turning I did manage to sleep until 3.30am. I then got up and took two ibuprofen with the result that I did go back to sleep and then couldn't wake up at 8am!
I have just called a local hen breeder and told him what kind of hens I wanted.He did the garage mechanic sucking of teeth thing and said " Oh you don't want them. They are temperamental buggers" I have a feeling that when we go tomorrow I shall finish up with a bunch of hens that are nothing like what I want! We have done a quick recci. of the hen huts and environs just to check that the new girls will be comfortable in their new home. Graham has gone to the shop to get some empty boxes to transport them in. Photos tomorrow hopefully.
Also continueing the vegetarian trial I am having Mashed vegetables ( Potatoes, sprouts swede,parsnip,onions sweetcorn, and peppers) done in the oven with Parmesan cheese and an egg.
I shall have sides of Mange tout and sprouts. graham is having roast rabbit.
This will be followed by yoghurt and honey. I think this meal will meet all my diatary requirements but who knows?

To those in my family who are having a hard time at the moment, I send my love and all my thoughts.
sheila x

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