So here are the buns I made for Mrs Broccoli's charity coffee morning. It all went very well and all my buns were sold and I think she made nearly one hundred pounds.
The brown cakes in the middle are my new favourite recipe, Black Treacle cake.
Graham has gone bowling. Tomorrow it is carol singing around the village! You have to be there!
more later
sheila x
The buns look great. I'm sure MM would love the black treacle cake if I had the recipe.
It's snowing and blowing a blizzard here at the moment, nothing I'd want to be out in for any reason.
Treacle cake looks good Sheila.
Sheila you must share the treacle bun recipe. I can taste it as I write.
Took Pats stuff, she was asleep,Val was out. Loosening the screws didn't work so they are tightening them up again.She is back to not being able to put her foot to the floor again.
Have fun in Rotterdam. You will miss the bad weather that is due here on Saurday.
I can't face another treacle bun. Graham
Just making sure, that black treacle cake isn't anything similar to the black pudding (sprinkled with a little treacle) that I refused to eat in Ireland??? It looks a bit the same! A recipe would clear that up.
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