Monday, 8 December 2008

Mince Pies

Lincoln has been and gone in a haze. We endured 90 mins on a bus to go see the Famous Christmas market and never saw any of it. In between the Assembly rooms for morning coffee, The Harvester pub for lunch and looking for a Woolworths followed by an afternoon drink in the Witch and Wardrobe we only had time to buy some cheese before getting back on the bus for another 90 minutes return journey! All the other ladies ( and gents) were full of tales about what they had done, eaten and bought etc.We were a bit embarrassed. Mrs Broccoli had even been on the big wheel. We didn't even see a big wheel!
Tomorrow is Mrs Broccolli's coffee morning. her charity is a mental health unit. I have to make cakes for her as she helps me with my charity. I am going to attempt one of Jamie Olivers special recipes. I will try to put a photo on the blog if they turn out alright!
One of my chickens is not very well today, She hasn't eaten anything and looks very sorry for herself.I shall have to give her a massage tomorrow if she's no better.
Montana 's blog has been very interesting of late. He of couse can't resist a moan about the lack of home comforts etc. Has he forgotten his roots?
more later.
love Sheila x

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