Not having had oysters for about four years I decided to give them another chance . I have been violently ill the last twice I have had them but I thought my body would have forgotten the horror that is sitting on the loo with poison coming out of both ends. To be fair the others all tried to dissuade me but I wouldn't listen. Wrong decision!!! So it has been like a farce all night, graham has slept in the living room and to top it all we had a mini hurricane which Pete the owner came to warn us about last night. Also matters were not helped by the fact that drinks were two for one next door! Anyway apart from feeling that someone has punched me in the kidneys I am now fully recovered.
Only today and tomorrow before we go home. Fortunately Gina helped me to finish the impossible jigsaw otherwise I couldn't have finished it.Possibly the hardest I have ever done.
Yesterday Pete found a giant Iguana in the grass and he and Graham and Andrew tried to catch it. Pete says that they are not indigenous to Florida and it must be somebody's pet that they have released into the wild. All I can say was that me and Gina had such a laugh watching three grown men run away whenever it came near them! Anyway it got away so Graham went to the shop and bought a fluffy toy one which he put in a shoe box then gave it to Pete saying that we had caught it.
Love to all my readers Sheila xx
1 comment:
I did the same with sea sickness...but it took me 30 years. When I was 18 I was at deaths door on a boat in the Greek Islands. Never been on one since. Then we went to Ireland a few years ago and was persuaded to get on a boat for a two hour journey to an Island. Of course, I threw up and wished I was dead.
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