Thursday, 9 February 2012


Here we are again in the good old USA. My hip has been very bad, due I'm sure to the long flight and sitting for 10 hours on a plane. After two days of agony I decided to spend today resting.I also spent $30 dollars on some Glucosamine,and Margaret the bungalow owner gave me an icepack which seems to have helped.
For the second night running we have been to Woodies bar and enjoyed ourselves mixing with the "trailer park trash" Tonight's clientele was a bit more upmarket. Two policemen from Chicago!
Can't wait for G and A to get here we can introduce them to life on the underside!
sheila xx


Mike Saif said...

Glucosomine really only benefits from continuous use of a few months.

Sheila or Graham said...

Thus spake Zarathustra.Graham