Thursday, 17 November 2011

children in need

Yesterday, as part of a children in need event, we went to a nearby village for a Soup and Pudding dinner.We arrived to find that about five of our friends were already there so we had a very pleasant lunch and won some raffle prizes and then we both won the bingo! What is interesting about the day is that we met the mother of the motorbike accidentee, who, you may remember, was very badly injured outside our house a couple of years ago. I tended to him and rang his relatives until the Air Ambulance came and took him to hospital. It turned out that he had just bought the huge motorbike and it was his first time riding it. His mother said she had longed to come and thank me for helping him and for stopping a woman from taking his helmet off, as this was what was holding his nose in place! It was nice to meet her and to find out what had happened to her son, as so many of the accidents that happen on our stretch of road remain unreported and we never find out if they make it or not.

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