Monday, 18 July 2011


Well Gina and Andrew went home yesterday and Mick has gone back to London today and boy is it quiet! We have been celebrating Grahams 70th birthday and it has involved a lot of drinking and the visiting of pubs. Mick is enthralled by our pubs, especially those with thatched roofs. We have been out for dinner (yes it was in a pub) and we have visited Cleethorpes, where we had the famous BIG FISH. Mick could hardly believe what he was handed. Wow he said this is ridiculous. Nevertheless he managed to eat 14 inches of Haddock, which was only the medium fish, without too much difficulty!
Yesterday we went to the nearest town, Louth, for a continental food market and bought and ate a ridiculous amount of deli food, washed down of course by John Smiths beer in a local pub.
Mick and Debbie will probably come back to us tomorrow or the next day before they embark on their odyssey around Britain. Meanwhile I am going to have a nap to prepare for the next onslaught.

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

Sounds like a lot of fun is being had by all.