Monday, 23 May 2011


Last night as Graham and I were in the lounge watching T.V there was an almighty bang at the window. My first thought was that a pidgeon had flown into the glass as they sometimes do. Next minute the survivor chicken flew onto the window sill and began frantically tapping on the glass. Now this is weird all by itself as she was supposed to be in the compound which is some distance from the house and supposedly escape proof. Also how did she know which room we were in?
Anyway I went out to get her, only to find that she was cowering and allowed me to pick her up without a fuss. I looked for the other chicken, in vain, she was gone. The weird thing is that there was no sign of any struggle. No feathers. Nothing. Just gone without a trace. Graham again went into the dyke at the other side of the fence. nothing! The survivor refused point blank to go into the shed. I had a least 5 goes before I managed to lock her in. If it was the bl##'y fox then I didn't want her going the same way.
It looks as though I shall have to stop having chickens as all this is too heartbreaking.
Sheila x

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