Sunday, 10 April 2011

Last night!

Last night was Fish and Chip Supper and Quiz at the village hall. The quiz was very hard and our team only scored 62 out of a possible hundred! It was a good laugh and I managed to polish off a goodly amount of cider.The more I drank the harder it became to read my answers. Perhaps that was why they were marked so low.
Today the weather is again glorious and I have got my swinging bed out. It will probably rain for months now.
Other lovely news is that my great niece has had a baby girl, Layla Eve, I guess that makes me a great,great aunt.? ( but then I have always known that!) congratulations to all concerned!!!
Last night before going out I got all the hens into the compound, knowing that I wouldn't be around to lock them up until late. As we were setting off I just happened to glance at the field and there they all were back out. We can only presume that they have flown over the fence. Anyway we had to leave them . when we came home they were all safely ensconced on the perch. Any more of that behaviour and wings will have to be clipped.
Graham is dismantling the conservatory. There is a lot of head scratching, banging and the occasional swear word. We shall see?

sheila xx

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

Can't beat a good quiz.