About two weeks ago our Dyson gave up the ghost. As we have had it for about ten years we weren't too upset but it meant we had to buy another one. Now I have never been a big fan of Dysons so after much trawling of the internet we bought one of those pull along things that are like leading a yappy dog around. Horrible and it hurts my back but.............
Wondering how we could dispose of the old Dyson now that the local tip has closed, Graham hit upon the idea of partially dismantling it and sneaking it into the bin. Because it had a very long cable he thought he would cut off the cable in case he could use it for something else. (poor Gina. When we finally croak it she will have the joy of getting rid of all the things that might come in handy) but I digress. Graham came into the kitchen for some scissors and in a fit of optimism plugged the Dyson in. It worked perfectly!!! It is now in pride of place and the yappy dog has been relegated to the shed!!
More news on the chicken front. Ed the duck is slowly starting to hold his own with the hens and even went as far as to hold a pecking fight with one of the big hens, She is still terrified of the white bantam though and runs away whenever she is in the vicinity.
The babies are more or less doing their own thing now and their "mother" laid her first egg this year. Two of the babies are cockrels we think so one of them will have to go unless someone comes forward and offers it a home. Norman has said he will come and do the dastardly deed! He will even eat it afterwards!
Graham has gone to ask a friend if he would be willing to have our chickens this winter as we are thinking of going to Australia again. If not we will give them away and start again with another lot when we get back.
Not much else to report. It's all gone quiet since my birthday celebrations.
1 comment:
I wasn't too impressed with our Dyson either. I have started to use our central vacuum thing instead.
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