Monday, 28 June 2010

Weird !!

Well before I get on to the football I need to tell you about something really weird that happened today. Graham and I were outside having a snooze in the shade. It was absolutely boiling hot. There wasn't a breath of wind and the only sound was of the hens clucking. Very relaxiong.
Suddenly, from out of nowhere, came a tornado which blew Grahams hat off and almost took his sunbed. It lasted about half a minute and no sooner had we gathered ourselves then it was gone, leaving two pensioners gasping in it's wake! Never in 64 years have I experienced anything like it!

And so to the other thing that has left us gasping. The England team are a disgrace to themselves and to us their fans. I don't care what their excuses are. If you are fortunate enough to be picked to play for your country then it is a great honour that has been bestowed upon you and you should run until you can't run another inch and be glad.We have another four years to wait now until the next world cup. as Graham says " We might not be around then!"

On a lighter note.. Ed the duck has been abandoned by his mother who has started roosting with the other hens. Ed is refusing to go in the duckery, so because we don't want mr fox to get her.we have had a real performance trying to catch her. graham eventually threw a towel over her and carried her in. Phew!!!


Mike Saif said...

Most of it is not the players fault. Some of them aren't good enough and the ones that are, are physically and mentally worn out from an EPL season that is tougher than any other league in the world.

So Ed is staying in your house now?

Sheila or Graham said...

Nonsense! there are other players from countries in the world cup who play in the premier league,tired? they should do a shift down the pit. Graham