Sunday, 18 April 2010

here we go again!!!!

Two of my chooks ( note the australian, I'm becoming quite a linguist!) have become broody . This morning I went to the farm and got some fertile eggs. Learning my lesson from last year I have seperated the broodies. One has got the hen eggs and one has got two duck eggs.So now it's a wait for 21 days to see if anything hatches. Also I shall not allow the new chicks anywhere near the big ones until I am very sure that they will survive. Last year was very traumatic when the babies died. The farm lady tried to give me a big handsome cockerel but we couldn't catch it. It hid under a caravan and wouldn't come out!
My wild duck is still sitting on her eggs though I think it a forlorn hope now. she has been sitting for at least 38 days and they are supposed to hatch out in 26 to 30 days.
thats all for now
sheila x

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

This will give me something to look forward to this summer at least.