Wednesday, 13 January 2010

day 13

It's very hard to get to a computer as we are so busy. I can't tell you all that we have done so a synopsis will have to do.
We went deep into the bush yesterday. What an experience that was. On the only road out. mainly red sand with the occasional bit of tarmac. The temperature was in the 40s. We saw Emu's, kangaroos and hundreds of wild goats. These are a bit dangerous on the road as they tend to run out in front.We visited a pub which was the only one for two hundred miles. That was something I can tell you! Next we went swimming in a water hole, where we were joined by all the aforementioned was like being on safari. Whist in the water a dust devil (or willy willy) as they are known here almost blew Debbie off the rock she was standing to watch us swim.
I have been in an "abho" (or black fellas as they are known here) betting shop and an black fellas cafe where we ate a wonderful meal of smoked Kangaroo,Emu and wild turkey amongst other things.
We have met loads of really interesting people. More later. I am off to the hairdressers.
Sheila xx

1 comment:

sonia said...

So glad you are both having a wonderful time, it sounds fascinating.