Sunday, 13 September 2009

another day

Thats the weekend over. Enzo came and went in a blur of talking , laughing and meeting people. Oh and eating! He's very impressed by our life down here and says he wouldn't mind leaving Sheffield (or Rotherham) and buying a house down here. Our Italian has been well practiced and it caused a bit of merriment when I came out of the bedroom and asked Enzo how you said "All steamed up" in Italian. He wasn't at all sure why I was asking! I was of course referring to the windows. some of the village women were very taken with him so I expect he will be coming again.
I am still in agony from my tooth, especially when I lay down and am taking Paracetemol like smarties. I am however being very brave!!
Yesterday we picked about twenty pounds of plums and damsons so I will be busy jam making. I was approached by an Arts and Craft group from another town and asked if I would sell my jam at their next event in October. They would also like me to sell some cakes as well but I'm not convinced that my cakes would be good enough.
Tomorrow it's to the doctors to have blood taken so it's an early start.
more later
Sheila x


Mike Saif said...

Yes you are brave Sheila if you are dealing with toothache.

Mary Sue said...

It doesn't surprise me Sheila that your jams and cakes are in demand. You're an awesome cook.