Saturday, 1 August 2009

Last one gone

Found the last chick dead this morning!


sonia said...

I don't know what to say, it is so sad. Is there a disease that attacks young chicks? all 3 couldn't have had bad hearts could they?

Mary Sue said...

Sorry Sheila...are you okay?

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Sheila or Graham said...

That's a very nice offer Mary Sue but I think I am getting into a farmers way of thinking. All this is nature. Red in tooth and claw and beak. I think my big hens have somehow killed the babies, probably because they were disturbing their sleep or something. anyway I have learned a valuable lesson although i don't think I will try again this year because my existing birds have to go on holiday whilst we go to Australia. maybe when we come back I can start again.