Monday, 20 July 2009

Back in sunny mablethorpe

Well here we are, back in sunny Mablethorpe.I thought Sheffield was the most appalling place and can't see how anyone would miss it.We stayed for one night in the Royal Victoria which used to be a top class place where only the rich stayed. It was a big disapointment and seemed slightly shabby.Anyway it was somewhere to sleep. Cherie's party was just a big family affair. There were people there who were relatives but who I hadn't seen for a long time, and it was the usual loud, shouty affair.
Next day, we went to lunch at the Grange Golf Club as a guest of Muneer. What a lovely place! there were ten of us and we had a lovely 3 course lunch, which muneer got a discount on as a member. He was also able to get members rates on the drinks which was a relief to Graham as I was paying for them as his birthday celebration! Anyway there was Sonia and Michael. Joseph and Karen, Muneer and Pauline, Gina and Andrew and of course me and Graham. We got there at 12.30 and came out at 4pm and there was constant banter which was hard to keep up with as everyone talked at once. Bliss! To be amongst those we love is just the best thing! when I win the lottery I am going to have a family holiday!
I'm out tonight with the W.I so we have had dinner at lunchtime, If you see what I mean.
No news on the chicken front. All is going nicely.
Sheila x

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

I feel exactly the same way Sheila...minus the chickens.