Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Well my two girls are locked away in their hutch. No food, no water, no light. when I look in at them they spit and hiss and generally tell me to get lost. Trouble is I'm worried that they will starve to death or something. Apparently it takes about 21 days to hatch the eggs. how can they sit there that long. They are totally focussed on the job in hand. Wow it's exciting. Graham says I am like a kid at christmas " Has he been yet?"
I'm going out tonight so Graham is in charge. I bet he has a little peek!
My black Minorcan eggs should come on Thursday. That will be a game trying to convince the girls that these big white eggs have been there all along.
sheila x


Mary Sue said...

Sheila, that's what I do to Mike. I get something new, and since he rarely pays attention to anything but food, I tell him "oh, I've had that for a long time".

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheila, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog the other day :)

I'm a bit curious as to why you've shut your broodies in the dark with no food or water?

Don't worry about them starving! They'll get up to eat and drink as and when they need to, usually when it's quiet so that nothing happens to the eggs.

And you're right about the focus needed! That's dedication in action.

To stop them getting up before the eggs arrive, pop a couple of your eggs under them and then take them away when the "real" eggs arrive. They won't mind the swap, so long as you're quiet and gentle when you do it.
