Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Further news.

The patient is back with it comrades and is eating and drinking as though there is no tomorrow. The problem is that it's crop is looking big again. Well if it stuffs itself again then there will be nothing else for it but to neck it! I have left the neck ruff on and it seems to be working. i.e. she or the others cannot get to the wound to peck at it. well we will see!
I am still laughing about Michael and the bus yesterday, in fact I was laughing at five o'clock this morning and then I couldn't get back to sleep!
Tonight it is W.I. committee which means I am going to miss the Liverpool V Chelsea match on tv. We enjoyed the Man U. game last night. We like the look on Fergersons face when they lose!
Later Sheila x


sonia said...

You can't stop laughing, it made my day, bless him.
I feel the end is nigh for madam cluck. You did your best.

Mike Saif said...

Why is her thing filling up again si what I want to know?

Sheila or Graham said...

I don't know why her crop is filling up again. Maybe she has eaten some more long grass.
She is very greedy
Sheila x