Thursday, 9 April 2009


Well I have just returned from seeing the specialist doctor, specialist nurse and the dietician. Two hours of lecturing the upshot of which was that if I don't lose weight I will die!
I am having my insulin changed again and have to go on a diet. Lets hope I can stick to it!
The poorly hen has somehow removed her collar and is now indistinguishable from the rest of the girls. lets hope that this is going to have a happy ending after all.
more later. Sheila x


Mary Sue said...

You have to live a long life Sheila...too many people (and chickens) depend on you and love you.

G said...

No more chocolate and cake! I'm serious. I do wish you'd listen to the doctors because I really really don't want you to die!!!

Sheila or Graham said...

Don't worry ladies .I have no intentions of dying just yet
sheila x

Mike Saif said...

Intentions are judged by actions not words Sheila. I am offering to be your health guru for only a small retainer. Follow my advice and it will add years to your life...I promise. Why did you stop taking the Chia Seed.