Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The travails of Sonia & Michael

Yesterday S&M set off on the first leg of their journey to Australia. The snow was the worst for 18 years but they managed to get on the train to the airport thanks to muneer. however they were diverted to Manchester because the toilets weren't working! This meant they had to drag their luggage across the platforms to get on another airport train. They eventually arrived at the airport only to be told that Heathrow was closed, due to snow and would remain so for the foreseeable future. they had no choice but to try and get in a hotel. After a long search they eventually found a very expensive room in the Hilton which they took. The people at the airport said that they had definitely missed their flight on Royal Brunei and probably wouldn't get on the next one because there were only 3 seats left and they were in first class which was several classes above the class that s&m had booked. I think it fair to say that they were a little despondent at this stage although they now have the age and maturity to try and let it all wash over them as it's all out of their hands.
Meanwhile the country has come to a standstill. We on the other hand have had no snow and today is bright sunshine.
Telephone call this morning from Sonia to say that they have managed to get on a flight to Heathrow this afternoon at 5pm and have been given seats on the Royal Brunei tomorrow morning.This means that they can have one night instead of two in Brunei and still get their flight to Australia. All they have to do is find a hotel for tonight at Heathrow.
Thats the latest bulletin. More when I hear more
Sheila x

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