Monday, 22 September 2008

Blazing Saddles!!!

We had a lovely time at Gina's and I was able to buy a few things that are not normally available to me at Mablethorpe. She took us to a restaurant called Thyme Sirloin. We had three courses for £14.99 which wasn't bad. The bedroom is very nice now they have decorated but I can see it being a long time before they start anywhere else as it caused such a to do!
A few weeks ago Graham bought himself a new saddle for his bike. Yesterday he decided that he didn't like it so he was going to put the old one back on. The new one was put on my bike, so naturally I had to drop everything to come outside and try it. What I didn't know though was that he had raised the seat. Almost before I had sat on the new seat, I felt the need to put my feet to the floor. This resulted in me being catapulted into a bush where I recieved various injuries to my person as well as my pride!! This morning I am battered and bruised and feels as though I have been in a boxing match!
Glad to hear that Sonia is settled in and getting plenty to eat! Hope the weather stays nice.
The weather here is dull with sea mist this morning even though the farcast is for an indian summer for the next 3 weeks.
I was offered 2 chickens and a cockerel of a fancy variety which was very tempting until he told me that they only lay about 60 eggs a year!
Thats all.
Sheila x

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

I can't believe that Graham adjusted your seat height. Way out of order. Don't take on any chickens that are passengers and don't produce eggs.