Life is so very boring and everybody else seems to be up and doing. Spoke to Michael, he's off to Turkey again soon and then off to Oz. M&P are off to Mauritious, The Kansas two are in Montana and here am I waiting for chickens to lay some eggs!! Still only two laying, but still, two eggs a day is good!
The Body Shop Party went ok on Monday night but she didn't have any of the stuff that I wanted. She gave us £19 commission and then took back£13.50 for petrol. We did ok on the raffle and food though so that wasn't too bad. We wouldn't have her again though.
We are at the hospital tomorrow when Graham will have his ears hoovered out. Maybe then he will stop saying "halfpast four" when I ask him to give me some money!?
I have lost my pie plate. It was a perfect size for making a pie that wasn't too big. It origionally belonged to Michaels mother and I miss it. I have no idea where it could be so if you know anything about it's whereabouts please let me know. I even asked Graham if he had broken it but he swears he hasn't,
My nephew is threatening to get rid of one of his dogs. I will have Billy here. He can live outside and round the chickens up for me.
Sheila x
I know someone else who could use a hoovering of his ears. He's just left for a long bike ride. I'm so nervous when he takes off cause I'm scared he'll get hit. The roads here are pretty narrow.
Sheila don't be envious of what others are doing. I would swap what I do for a life of doing nothing most days.
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