Monday, 23 June 2008

body shop

Tonight is our body shop party at the village hall. I am a little worried that no one will turn up. Still we have done all the publicity etc so if they don't it won't be my fault!
Two of the girls have just escaped. Don't ask me how, but I suspect that they have squeezed through the fence. They are so daft and were almost begging to be put back with the others.
There are no signs of any eggs being laid so far but a few of the girls are acting a little strangely so fingers crossed.
It seems that hens have a cycle of thirty eggs which they begin laying before ten in the morning and then a little later every day.When it gets too late in the afternoon they miss a day and continue the next day. when the thirty eggs have been laid then it's a few days before the cycle starts again so it's a good job they didn't all start on the same day.!
Nothing much has happened since last I wrote so thats it for today.
Sheila x


Mike Saif said...

I am learning something new about chickens every day.

The Saif's Journal said...

Shiela, the aussies call chickens 'chooks'. This is a farming community and I will ask my friends at work for any tips.