Last year we only had one poker but now we have about eight. I haven't got time to marvel at them as I have just spent half an hour mucking out the girls ! They are so funny that I could spend all day just watching them. I suppose I will get over it shortly. Have got to leave them tomorrow when we go to Sheffield so I hope they will be o.k.
Sheila x
Okay, I see pics of this and that. It would help if you could do one picture that included the home and the out-buildings. I need to be able to understand the lay of your land. Graham, did you build the chicken shed from scratch material? I'm impressed.
I have to confess i am renaissance man,and able to complete many tasks to the delight and wonderment of all and sundry,fortunately i am very modest in demeanour,and so remain a down to earth son of Rotherham,which is the capital of south yorkshire. Maestro Graham
Those poor chickens...all on their own for a day.
Do the girls have names yet? How about "Marigold" - for the nicest one.
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