Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Poor Postman!

A somewhat rude awakening this morning by an impatient postman. He was bringing me this book that has been sent to me by my nephew in Kansas. I did half read it before when we were in Kansas but I shall give it my undivided attention ( Just as soon as I have finished wading through Bill Bryson's "The history of almost everything") and will let you know what I think of the ideas he promulgates.
Yesterday was a bit disasterish again. First the water pressure needle was dangerously in the red on the central heating boiler. Edward ( of bowling club fame) came along and mended it in no time. Then Graham came into the house dripping blood everywhere. Once again he has fallen off a ladder. This time he hit his head on the lawn and not on concrete but he has a cut on every finger. A huge graze on the back of his leg and a large cut on his elbow along with various other
cuts and bruises. I then rang Gina to tell her and was scolded in no uncertain terms for allowing
him to climb ladders in view of what happened last time!! Protestations that I didn't know he was up a ladder fell on deaf ears! I should be watching him at all times!
It's lovely weather just now so I might have a walk on the sea front.
Love Sheila x


Mary Sue said...

I love seeing photos of you or Graham on your blogs, makes me feel like we're just down the street (lane/road) from you.
What in the world was Graham doing on a ladder? If it was at our house, Fuad would have ME up on the ladder!!!

Mike Saif said...

Read the book carefully Sheila. It is a good one.

Poor Graham. What the bloody hell is he doing up a ladder and how the bloody hell is he falling off?

Take the ladders away from the house is my solution.