Wednesday, 27 February 2008


At last the new dishwasher has arrived. No more dishwasher hands! It's an all singing all dancing model which will do half loads etc. Perfect.
I am at a loss to know what to cook for dinner so having looked in the fridge I have decided to do Stir fry Beef and vegetables on Pasta. It will probably get the thumbs down from you know who but I might suggest that he do the cooking for a change. HA! I made a big pan of thick vegetable soup at lunch time but Graham ate leftovers from yesterday!! The soup has gone into the freezer for other days.
Tonight there is a football game on B.B.C 1. It's Sheffield United v Middlesborough. It's a replay. Sheff u. were very good and deserved to win last time so I hope they do well tonight.
We have had 18 phone calls today so hopefully nobody will ring whilst we are watching the match.
Thats all for now
Sheila xx


Mary Sue said...

Graham had leftovers?

Mike Saif said...

Graham had leftovers?