Wednesday, 6 February 2008

only 6 more days!

I can't believe that we have only 6 more days before we have to leave paradise and go home ! So much has happened here but the days all merge into one and I can't remember what or who I have told things too. We are both getting a little burnt so we are trying to keep out of the sun a bit today. We may go and buy Gina's peppermint patties and have a walk around the shops until lunchtime when we will go to the Mongolian Buffet. Yes I know I have the same thing every day but it is cooked fresh in front of me. Last night we had a big blow out at the "Conch" restaurant which is next door to our bungalow. Graham had half a cow and chips etc and I had a lobster tail stuffed with scallops and shrimps. Being a bit full we decided to have one desert between us. What we didn't know was that the banana thingy that we ordered had to be "flambe'd' next to your table. The waitress almost set fire to the guy at the next table the flames rose so high! What with the two for one drinks etc we almost staggered home! I didn't think we would be able to eat anything for days but this morning managed Bacon, egg,sausage,mushrooms and grilled tomatoes and Texan biscuits. (a bit like our scones ).!
I spoke briefly to Pat. She's a bit better Physically but I think she is just realizing the enormity of what she has done so she is bound to be a bit depressed about it.
Fuad is all alone again in Kansas and is taking to his bed earlier and earlier.It seems like an age since we were in kansas but we have fond memories, especially of marysue and the dogs.
the Florida state fair has just started in Tampa. I wouldn't mind going. I may ask the bungalow owners if they will organise a trip.
Thats all for now. love to everyone.
Sheila xx
P.S. Sandra. You are reading the wrong blog.


Mary Sue said...

Don't be getting burnt Sheila. Glad you're getting lots of sun. Nothing but lots of fog, rain and snow here.

Mike Saif said...

Don't complain at me for eating lamb stew every day.