Friday, 4 January 2008

not going out!

This feels like about my fifth day of not going out. I am still seeing people but they are coming here. However...... we are going to the pub tonight to meet our ex pat friends. The new landlord is also an ex pat and a friend of Mel Stirland and other footballers so Graham, who hasn't met him yet, will have a chance to do his usual banter. I shall not be drinking so that I can rein him in should the need arise.
Have just opened the telegraph to read about the Norwalk disease virus that is sweeping the country(Sickness of a projectile nature!) to find a picture of our friend in Sheffield. She had it over xmas and was really ill but thankfully it only lasts for 3 days (unless it kills you!)
It seems everyone is thinking about getting slim. I can't be bothered, although I'm probably the only one who should! My bloodsugar is sky high. I look forward to all this healthy eating in Kansas. I actually do eat healthily. It's just the extras that I should leave alone!
I hope S&S have arrived back safely in OZ and will soon start their blog. I should like to know what they do in their daily lives.
Not much else to report until after tonight so will write more later.


G said...

That illness is what Grandma and Ronnie and everyone had.

We did a story about it two weeks ago and now all of a sudden everyone is on to it!

Mike Saif said...

I put weight on when you were here last time. I will have to be careful this time. I think it was the bread.