Thursday, 28 April 2011


Yesterday we went to Boston to meet our friends Alan and Vicky. As is customary on market day in Boston, we had a little walk around, bought some stuff that we didn't really need and then went for a big slap up meal which always ends with treacle sponge and custard.
On arriving home we realised that something was wrong on the computer. a new search engine had somehow installed itself. probably one of us had downloaded something we shouldn't have. Graham wanted me to call our I.T expert but I wanted to wait until after the Real Madrid /Barcelona game. which wasn't a classic game but there was a good fight in the tunnel that was worth watching. Anyway I finally rang Andrew and he was able to fix it, athough the rogue programme had infiltrated everywhere. I am reluctant even to name it as it took such a lot of getting rid of. Suffice it to say that it's the name of a toy and Paddington was one.
The weather has brightened a little but it is still blowing a gale and is freezing cold.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


I just knew it was too good to last. The temperature has plummeted and it's freezing! There is a gale blowing and all the plants are looking sorry for themselves. It's said that it might rain for the royal wedding. Oh dear how sad!
We keep looking at cheap flights to anywhere so that we can get away from the insidious torrent of news about the royal couple. All the news readers have what Graham calls a daft smile on their faces when they read anything about the wedding. What hypocrites! They are the very people who hounded Diana to death.
If we can't get away from it then we will have to watch a box set of Seinfeld or some rubbish on Sky. Oh well!
Sheila x

Saturday, 23 April 2011



Bless her, she never wanted to be on my blog. But.............
I cannot let her passing go un noticed. We have not been as close recently as once we were and our lives have diverged but she was never far from my thoughts.
she died as she lived, with quiet dignity and immence bravery. we shall not forget her.
rest in peace now.
Love sheila xxx

Friday, 22 April 2011


The weather is so lovely that the plants are flowering at least six weeks too early. I feel it will all end in tears when or if we get a frost.
Meanwhile talk about making hay while the sun shines. the wind is in a certain direction and we can hear the funfair on the seafront. It's lovely for a change that people are able to enjoy their bank holiday.
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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Not Ed.

I thought this might be Ed the Duck come back to see us but it wasn't. Make the picture bigger to get a good look at him.
All my hens have laid today, although the new layers are only producing "new seasons eggs" as they are called here. Tiny in other words! I am assured that they will get bigger!
The weather is glorious and is said to be set for at least a week. People have got four bank holidays coming up so if you take three days leave from work you can end up with eleven days holiday. The business owners don't like it!
We have just been to Louth to buy some beer at Morrisons. Three cases for £18. A real bargain. We may have to stock up for when Crocodile Mick comes from Australia although we don't know what kind he would like.
I am fed up for some reason, and thinking about it I think it's because I miss my family. here it is , Easter and I haven't got anyone to cook for( or an easter egg).
more later,
sheila x
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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

another guess who cherub!

These photo's are so old they were hand coloured by the photographer.
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Monday, 18 April 2011

And who is this?

I love this photo. most of our childhood photos show us looking miserable.
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Saturday, 16 April 2011

and so to bed.

Every night this week I have stayed up until midnight to watch " The booth at the end". Well last night was the last one, so I can go to bed at a reasonable hour!
It was very good though!

gone !

The fifteen baby ducks have gone and never called me mother!
When I went out this morning at 7am they were gone, leaving behind a few bits of egg shell. Why is it that we never get to see them leave?
One of my bluebelles and the black rock have started to lay so thats four out of five that are laying now. I am getting over run with eggs. I shall have to start selling them again.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


we do seem to be experiencing problems with Blogger. It refuses to put our pictures on, or if it does put them on it removes them again. Our technical expert has been on the case. He says that Blogger have had lots of similar complaints so we have to just wait until they fix it. meanwhile I hope you will bear with us.
Sheila x

New front door.

This is what we look like without the conservatory,

guess who?

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Tuesday, 12 April 2011

conservatory gone!

The front of our house looks wonderful now that the old rotting structure has gone. Graham worked hard all day yesterday and really struggled with some parts of the dismantling. now however he's got an even bigger problem. What to do with the rubble and wood etc?
Some of the wood will go next door to our neighbour Anne. She does love a good bonfire!
I suspect that we will finish up like the characters in the film "The great escape" where we walk about dropping bits of rubble down our trouser legs.
Last night I was at W.I. The speaker was a freelance journalist and he spilt the beans about some of the "famous" people he had interviewed. He was very funny but when I found out how much he was charging us, I thought, I could do that!
There are signs that the black rock may be going to start laying any time soon. Goodho.
Sheila x

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Last night!

Last night was Fish and Chip Supper and Quiz at the village hall. The quiz was very hard and our team only scored 62 out of a possible hundred! It was a good laugh and I managed to polish off a goodly amount of cider.The more I drank the harder it became to read my answers. Perhaps that was why they were marked so low.
Today the weather is again glorious and I have got my swinging bed out. It will probably rain for months now.
Other lovely news is that my great niece has had a baby girl, Layla Eve, I guess that makes me a great,great aunt.? ( but then I have always known that!) congratulations to all concerned!!!
Last night before going out I got all the hens into the compound, knowing that I wouldn't be around to lock them up until late. As we were setting off I just happened to glance at the field and there they all were back out. We can only presume that they have flown over the fence. Anyway we had to leave them . when we came home they were all safely ensconced on the perch. Any more of that behaviour and wings will have to be clipped.
Graham is dismantling the conservatory. There is a lot of head scratching, banging and the occasional swear word. We shall see?

sheila xx

Friday, 8 April 2011

In the loft.

Graham has been up into the loft to dismantle the electrics from the conservatory that we are knocking down now that we have our new front door in situ. Whilst up there he asked what I wanted to do with all the boxes of stuff that we put up there when we moved in six years ago. I figured that if we hadn't needed the stuff in six years then we really didn't want it. It took hours and several bouts of cursing to bring it all down. Needless to say, out of ten boxes, at least six have gone back up as they contain things that I "want". There is a large box of glassware that I shall attempt to sell tomorrow at the village coffee morning
The chickens seem to be co existing a little better although scraggy neck is still being picked on and is still naked around the neck.It hasn't stopped her laying though which is good.
I have just finished reading a book called "Mr wroe's virgins" by Jane Rogers. It's about a religious cult that existed in Lancashire in the 1800s. It was very interesting historically.A bit like the idiots in Kansas!
the weather is glorious today , very hot and sunny. It fools you into thinking that the summer starts here?!
Sheila x

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Whilst Gina and Andrew were here I took them to see our old chickens and of course Ed the duck.
I have told before about the menagerie that these people have but it was so funny yesterday. The pig, Elsie by name, came to see us and the four geese became mad for some reason and started to peck her. She tried to run to escape them. (Have you ever seen a 10stone pig whose girth nearly touches the floor, trying to run?) they actually nipped and butted her all the way into her house before she could escape them! I have never seen anything like it. Graham was jumped on by a bloodhound and an alsation ( you know how he hates dogs) and slavered all over as well as scraped by a paw nail. We laughed so much when we got home as his face was a picture as he threw his clothes onto the floor to be washed!
The house is quiet now that Gina and Andrew have gone. Only Graham to moan to.
sheila x