Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Watching T.V

It must seem that all I do is watch T.V as I am always telling you what I have watched. Well last night was the final episode of "This is England '86". Talk about shocking. I was heard to cry out at one point! There was rape, incest, murder and football and it was riveting. Do try to watch it if it comes to a t.v near you.
English readers of this blog will know what I mean by a"Sunday evening soporific " The new one is a period costume called "Downton Abbey" very nice.
On Thursday I hope to watch "An idiot abroad" It's always nice to go to bed laughing.
Graham picked me a whole lot of Elderberries and this morning I have been making Elderberry and crab apple jelly. I shall have a stall at the next coffee morning.
Ed the duck continues to live the life of a chicken and comes running when I call him. Two of the babies are now "Cock-a-doodle do-ing".
thats about it .Really boring i'm afraid.
Sheila x

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Gina's birthday

Well today it is our daughters birthday so will take this opportunity to wish her a happy birthday and to hope that she has a lovely day.
Late night last night. I was at the W.I where a woman came to show us hats through the ages. we had a laugh trying all the hats on. I look a pi****k in most of them. good job too as the price of some of them would have halved the national debt!
Have just watched the final episode of "bouquet of barbed wire". Very good. you should try to watch it if it comes on your T.V at any time. It could be a bit raunchy for the USA though!
Tonight is the final episode ofd "this England 86" This has alao been rivetting if you like sex and swearing! Sandra, the main character is Eliah from Emmerdale.
This is a picture of some of my hens (and a duck that thinks it's a hen ) in the field next door. The white ones will be twenty weeks old this weekend so should start doing grown up things like laying eggs.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

magic mushrooms

This morning these mushrooms appeared. they weren't there yesterday. 9 hours later they have gone. All that remains are a few shrivelled black husks.
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At a loose end.

I find myself at a loose end this morning. Of course there is a lot I could be doing but really I wasn't born to dust. Late to bed last night. First we watched the new "bouquet of barbed wire" Some of you will have seen the original back in the eighties, when we were all shocked by the incestuous behaviour of the characters. Well the new version is not so very different and just as riveting!
Then we had to watch" England 1986" which is about a group of people on a council estate. the 2nd part is on tonight. Very good if a little mystifying.
Have just found a lottery ticket under some booze bottles. I am going to check the numbers. The lottery people are appealing to someone to come forward and claim £1,250,000 still outstanding from March!
When I went to let the chickens out this morning, one of them was crowing fit to burst. The only snag is that I couldn't see which one it was. They have taken to attacking Ed the duck. One hen lays on him whilst the others peck him around the head. When is he going to start fighting back?
Oh well . Must go . Shopping to do. Sheila x

Friday, 10 September 2010

The speaker

This lady is a famous auther who writes about the Elizabethen era in lincolnshire. a very funny speaker.
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W.I. Lunch

here are some of the W.I. ladies in front of the windmill where we went for lunch.
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Tuesday, 7 September 2010


does this remind you of anyone?
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Saturday, 4 September 2010

avian life

One of our babies actually did a cock a doodle doo this morning. he will probably have to go!!
In other news my neighbour rang to say that they had just seen an albino squirrel heading our way!
Two skeins of wild geese, each containing about twelve geese, have set up home in the field opposite and have taken to flying around noisily about 7.30 each evening. They frighten the life out of my hens!
Graham has found a rat run in the dyke and has put poisen down.He has been slashing and digging all day with his new sickle which he had sent from Sheffield. The postman actually allowed us to have it and didn't steal it as is usual with parcels that get sent to us.
today I have made some Tomato chow chow which is a kind of pickle done in the slow cooker. Very nice.
Thats all for now. sheila x