Saturday, 31 July 2010
Sunday, 25 July 2010
clean shed
Oh to be a country dweller! This morning it was like a scene from Huckelberry Finn with Graham making heavy weather out of painting the shed with lime. Here it is drying nicely. lime is quite dangerous if you get it on you as it burns. Graham also put another perch up, see left on picture. This is because there is much squabbling at night when they all try to get their favourite place to perch. Lets hope that solves the problem.
another problem is that the farmers are harvesting like mad, we haven't had any rain for about five weeks, and they disturb all the tiny little black flies. just when Gina and Andrew are coming! There will be many complaints and much moaning!
Just now I heard a strange noise coming from the garden. It was one of the chicks (11 weeks old) making a sort of strangulated squarking sound. Oh god! that means it's going to be a cockerel and it will have to go!
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Ed the duck looks for his Mam.
Drinking Eds bath water!
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Cherries in Brandy
I can't bear to waste anything especially if it's free so with the last few cherries I have preserved them in brandy. I don't know if I will like them but I know a man who will!
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Grahams cake
Here's a cake I made for Grahams birthday. Unfortunately there can be no candles due to so many being a fire hazard !
anyway it's made with love. Next year will be very special and he will have to have a very big cake!
Thursday, 15 July 2010
I swore that I wouldn't make jam this year but what can you do when faced with 6 pounds of FREE Cherries?
Monday, 12 July 2010
I loved this comment made by a blogger.
thanks Rosemary .... but it isn't the world I am cynical of , my cynicism is of the people who run it !!
People may say we don't live in such a world ... is that so ?
You can argue that it is good to report people for renting houses out when they don't own them ... that isn't my point .. my point is they are getting people to spy on neighbours and giving them a lot of money to do so ... Bribery !!! is that not corruption ?
There are god knows how many web sites and phone numbers around now where you can report people for benefit fraud , tax evasion , insurance fraud , along with all the CCTV cameras that we are told are such a fantastic help in crime reduction . Well the police 's own records state different . They say that less than 3% of all crime is detected by CCTV .
CCTV on roads doesn't in fact stop accidents or decrease speed (that again is fact from the police themselves ) , what they do is earn £90 million pounds per year , they are simply a money earner .
I am in no way standing up for criminals ... my brother is one and is where he should be .. in prison . But the overall effect that government and councils are creating is a society of fear and distrust on a basis of corruption . Once again there is a similarity to 1930's Germany . Where kids in the Hitler youth were brainwashed into reporting even their own family to the SS or Gestapo .
You may think I am talking rubbish but my auntie is German and was in the Hitler youth . I have seen photos of her standing next to Adolf Hitler and shaking his hand .She isn't a bad person or a horrid Kraut SS sympathiser , she was just a kid in the Hitler youth , like many hundreds of thousands ,( at the time it was more like the scouts , than what it became later on ) , who was receiving a prize for winning a race ( I wonder if it was an Aryan race ?) .
Anyway , the fear and distrust that is being created is real . The fear of terrorism that has allowed so many law changes and robbed us of our civil liberties , is basically unfounded . They say there are many thousands of suspected terrorists in the UK ... who let them in ? Read the book Londonistan ... If there were so many just waiting to wipe this country of the face of the earth , why is it still here ... because the police are so good at finding them ? crap ... How long did it take them to find one bloke Raoul Moat ? and he was living under the village , even walking down the high street on at least 3 occasions . No, it is all created fear and distrust of those around us when the people to fear, distrust are the MP's etc themselves. Am I cynicle of society .... once again not really ... just those corrupt people who are controlling it, and therefore us .
Any sorrow should be aimed at those who try to utilize a small bit of waste land , or similar scenarios , but are rejected by planning Dept's who have way over stepped any 'remit ' there may have been to start with .
How many councils have corrupt planning officers , nearly every one I have had anything to do with . My dad owned a firm that did maintenance work on schools etc and all the councils he dealt with were corrupt. That isn't to say ALL councilors are corrupt no more than all MP's are . But even so called good ones can be corrupt . They accept trips and holidays , go to civic functions that cost thousands , have very well paid expense accounts , and who pays for all this ... we do .
This isn't a rant ... long winded maybe !! but not a rant , I am not having a dig or a go at you Rosemary , I am quite calm and happy , as I am most of the time in my life anyway . I just detest the total utter corruption that has filled our civil service and our politicians even our police force too. They are a complete runaway train , out of control ... somewhere along the line though there are a set of buffers !!! Will they stop before they reach them at full speed ? , I doubt it !! They will smash clean straight through them , and it will be a broken society that has to clear up the carnage . A society broken by the train wreckers .
thanks Rosemary .... but it isn't the world I am cynical of , my cynicism is of the people who run it !!
People may say we don't live in such a world ... is that so ?
You can argue that it is good to report people for renting houses out when they don't own them ... that isn't my point .. my point is they are getting people to spy on neighbours and giving them a lot of money to do so ... Bribery !!! is that not corruption ?
There are god knows how many web sites and phone numbers around now where you can report people for benefit fraud , tax evasion , insurance fraud , along with all the CCTV cameras that we are told are such a fantastic help in crime reduction . Well the police 's own records state different . They say that less than 3% of all crime is detected by CCTV .
CCTV on roads doesn't in fact stop accidents or decrease speed (that again is fact from the police themselves ) , what they do is earn £90 million pounds per year , they are simply a money earner .
I am in no way standing up for criminals ... my brother is one and is where he should be .. in prison . But the overall effect that government and councils are creating is a society of fear and distrust on a basis of corruption . Once again there is a similarity to 1930's Germany . Where kids in the Hitler youth were brainwashed into reporting even their own family to the SS or Gestapo .
You may think I am talking rubbish but my auntie is German and was in the Hitler youth . I have seen photos of her standing next to Adolf Hitler and shaking his hand .She isn't a bad person or a horrid Kraut SS sympathiser , she was just a kid in the Hitler youth , like many hundreds of thousands ,( at the time it was more like the scouts , than what it became later on ) , who was receiving a prize for winning a race ( I wonder if it was an Aryan race ?) .
Anyway , the fear and distrust that is being created is real . The fear of terrorism that has allowed so many law changes and robbed us of our civil liberties , is basically unfounded . They say there are many thousands of suspected terrorists in the UK ... who let them in ? Read the book Londonistan ... If there were so many just waiting to wipe this country of the face of the earth , why is it still here ... because the police are so good at finding them ? crap ... How long did it take them to find one bloke Raoul Moat ? and he was living under the village , even walking down the high street on at least 3 occasions . No, it is all created fear and distrust of those around us when the people to fear, distrust are the MP's etc themselves. Am I cynicle of society .... once again not really ... just those corrupt people who are controlling it, and therefore us .
Any sorrow should be aimed at those who try to utilize a small bit of waste land , or similar scenarios , but are rejected by planning Dept's who have way over stepped any 'remit ' there may have been to start with .
How many councils have corrupt planning officers , nearly every one I have had anything to do with . My dad owned a firm that did maintenance work on schools etc and all the councils he dealt with were corrupt. That isn't to say ALL councilors are corrupt no more than all MP's are . But even so called good ones can be corrupt . They accept trips and holidays , go to civic functions that cost thousands , have very well paid expense accounts , and who pays for all this ... we do .
This isn't a rant ... long winded maybe !! but not a rant , I am not having a dig or a go at you Rosemary , I am quite calm and happy , as I am most of the time in my life anyway . I just detest the total utter corruption that has filled our civil service and our politicians even our police force too. They are a complete runaway train , out of control ... somewhere along the line though there are a set of buffers !!! Will they stop before they reach them at full speed ? , I doubt it !! They will smash clean straight through them , and it will be a broken society that has to clear up the carnage . A society broken by the train wreckers .
Friday, 9 July 2010
Raspberry fool
My neighbour asked us to pick her raspberries. I made these raspberry and meringue fools for dinner. Yum!
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Courgette cake
Tired of having courgettes with every meal I have made a courgette and apricot cake. hope it tastes as good as it looks!
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Duck adventures
after many nights of chasing we decided to leave Ed the duck to her own devices. If the fox gets her well so be it. It can't be worse then the chase and the panic and thats only me and Graham! Anyway last night we locked all the others away, she did her usual running away trick so we told her that if she got eaten it was her own fault. ten minutes later she went into the duckery and went to sleep. The little b..g...r!
Georgeous weather again. we could do with some rain though. cracks as big as anything are opening up all over. I don't know why it can't rain all night and then be lovely during the day?
The football was a little disapointing. I wanted Ghana to win. What a shock that Brazil are out also. Whats the betting that Germany will be there about?
Nothing much to report. more later.
Georgeous weather again. we could do with some rain though. cracks as big as anything are opening up all over. I don't know why it can't rain all night and then be lovely during the day?
The football was a little disapointing. I wanted Ghana to win. What a shock that Brazil are out also. Whats the betting that Germany will be there about?
Nothing much to report. more later.
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