Thursday, 25 March 2010

conference mode!

This is me yesterday going as a delegate to our W.I. conference. I wasn't really looking forward to it but it turned out to be the best thing,
mainly because of the guest speaker Miriam Margolis. What a wonderful woman! She spoke without notes for almost two hours even they kept begging her to stop as we were over running the time. If you ever get the chance to go and see her, don't hesitate. she is so funny she made my face ache with laughing, something I needed at this time.
sheila x
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Sunday, 21 March 2010

My hearts not in it.

I can't get in the mood for blog writng. There is a cold feeling inside when I think about what's happening to my family in Sheffield. What can I do to help? I suspect nothing so I sit here trying to be positive. I am sure a lot of people reading this will be feeling the same, so to you I send my love and a metaphysical group hug.
Love Sheila xx

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

The sun is shining!

It's a beautiful spring day. The birds are tweeting etc. However there is a sense of despondency over us all because our thoughts are with our family in Sheffield and what they are going through.
S.&M are back from Australia so I know they will do what they can but it is a worrying time. Let us all send positive thoughts and best wishes.
Love Sheila x

Thursday, 11 March 2010


Ahh look! The daffodils are out despite the awful weather. spring can't be far away now.
We are gradually getting back in to life as we know it. I have got my chickens back, none the worse for their holiday. I only got them yesterday,(and what a performance that was, catching them!) and already I have got 5 eggs.
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Monday, 8 March 2010

From Australia to this!

It's 6.30am. Monday 8th march and this is the view from my window. Hoar frost!
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Thursday, 4 March 2010

new bike

The new bike being assembled. he's already wearing the yellow jersey and it still needs work on the fixings.
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Wednesday, 3 March 2010

what can I say?

Here's our landlord mr Rigsby.
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Tuesday, 2 March 2010


So as our sojourn in Australia draws to an end I feel I ought to say a few words about our hosts. They have been extraordinary in their kindness and generosity. We appreciate in particular the time they have given us despite the busy lives they lead. It is never easy having "lodgers" particularly ones who wreck cars etc, so thank you both.
Sheila x
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Graham's dinner

This was Grahams dinner. Steak and Prawns in a plum sauce. Very nice, as were the three bottles of champagne that went with it!
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sonia's birthday

Here we went to the golf and country club for a slap up meal to celebrate Sonia's birthday.
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