Sunday, 29 March 2009

Line dancing

well last night was the long awaited line dance supper. We had started to panic that we hadn't sold many tickets but last night there were almost too many turned up. We gave them Cornish pasties .chips and peas. Guess what my hens are dining on for the next few days?
Aren't these line dancers serious about the whole thing? We could hardly get them to stop dancing to eat and their faces are a picture of concentration. Still it's all good news. We made a tidy profit which is to be shared equally between the W.I and my charity smile train.
It was about 2 o.clock before we got to bed because of putting the clocks forward by one hour.I can't get into it yet!
Sheila x

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Mothers day

It being mothers day we expected a call from Gina. She rang at 8.30am and it was very nice to have a long chat. She has sent me a "best mother in the world" cup and some oil of olay face cream. bless her, she knows I need all the help I can get.
yesterday we went to the local trout farm to get some trout for tea. the owner told us he was selling up as he had , at Christmas, a massive heart attack and it was time now to live the good life. The whole thing is on sale at £750 .000 and if I could afford it I would buy it.
Next Saturday is my line dance and I have only sold about 30 tickets. I don't feel inclined to cancel it and maybe some more people will come forward before the end of the week!
Today someone is coming to give us a quote to build us a conservatory. It would give us an extra room, which would be good. Lets hope we can afford it.
Love Sheila x

Sunday, 15 March 2009


So, as I told you in an earlier blog, we went to sheffield last week. Yesterday, on our return from the coffee morning we found that the postman had left us a missive from Sheffield City Council. We were fined £60 for driving 10 yards down a bus lane! Gutted or what?
Today the weather has been beautiful and I have managed to get a lot of washing dry. now all I have to do is iron it!!
Spring is really springing. S&M will find quite a difference when they some home.
not much else is happening so more later
Sheila x

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Run rabbit run rabbit run run run!

Have just made roast rabbit for dinner with yorkshire pudding etc. Graham has been bowling and outside the window of the village hall were about 10 rabbits gambolling in the grass. What a dilemma!
Yesterday we went to Sheffield for the day to deliver some posters. Things went quicker then we thought so we had time to call in on Jean and Norman. It was nice to see them but I'm glad we don't live there any more!
Not much else happening. lovely to read montana mikes blog. It made us laugh which is always a good thing.
More later Sheila x

Saturday, 7 March 2009

plum n' rum!

My friend threatened that if I didn't come and get the plums in her freezer she was going to throw them away! How could I resist the siren call of free food? So here's the jam I made this morning.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Committee dinner

Went to the Wagon and Horses at South Reston for our committee Christmas dinner,( yes I know it's a bit late for christmas but it was the only time we could all make it) It was a really nice meal and we were able to relax a bit. The one amongst us who is a church warden was the one telling all the risque jokes!
Yesterday I went with my neighbour and another woman to see Slumdog Millionaire. Our local cinema has a deal every day at 2 pm where you get in cheap and get a free drink! Anyway two days later and I am still trying to decide what I think of the film! I can understand why it won all the oscars but it was all a bit overwhelming.
Sheila goose has just been for morning coffee. Her husband Bob has done away with all the traditional geese they used to have and has replaced them with Toulouse geese which are french and very expensive. he can sell the eggs to the French for a lot of money.
My poorly hen is still looking bad. Sheila goose suggests giving it a laxative! I'm not sure.
must go. I am making curry and rice with lentil soup and bis bas.
more later. Safe journey M& MS.
sheila xx

Monday, 2 March 2009


I have been too busy researching my ancestry to do any blogging, but now that my free trial with the Mormans has run out I need to gather myself before I start paying. Graham has already sent off for a birth certificate for his great grandfather (the mole catcher). these cost £7.00 which is not bad if it moves you on a bit. I have also been watching a T.V programme called " So you think you are royal?"which gives a lot of tips on how to trace people. Last nights show went back to Charles the Second and Nell Gwynne. I don't think there is any royalty in our family but you never know!
One of the hens is not well. Graham wants to shoot her but I have given her a soluble asprin and will wait a bit. They all got out this afternoon and I had a real job rounding them up!
We had a visit from a friend today. He was on Radio Lincolnshire this morning. He is campaigning
to have seat belts on the school buses but they are giving him the run around.
I am at the W.I. tonight so must end this.
sheila x