Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Our blogger seems to have gone haywire. First it removes Grahams picture overnight and now it won't recognise my password which I have used since i've had a computer! Strange. Are there aliens in the system? We have been talking about Candace rather a lot!
There is nothing much to write about. I have spoken to all of my sisters,(well nearly all) and the only one who is doing anything exciting is Sonia who is ready for her trip to Aus. I miss her when she's not here although I hope I won't have to give her any bad news this time whilst she is away.
We haven't booked any holidays yet. We can't decide what to do or where to go. We always live by the mantra "If in doubt, don't" so we are not. Anyway we are waiting for our chicken sitters to tell us when they are free. They have just had a new grandaughter in York and so are travelling too and fro a lot at the moment.
Yesterday I went to book the village hall for a line dancing supper. It will be sometime in March but I am waiting for the line dance instructor to give me a date. This should be good! I look forward to seeing Graham in a cowboy hat!
I am just making a pan of "Kitchen sink"soup. You know the one. All the vegetables in the house plus some beans from the freezer plus anything else will go in it!
Thats all for now
Sheila x

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Parties and Sheffield

On Monday it was our Womens Institute 29th birthday so we had a party. I have never been in England in January before so it was all new to me. Apparently in the past, 30 people have shared a packet soup and a few cheese and biscuits. Because thats what they have always done!
Anyway a few of us younger elements decided that this year it would be different. We had Jacket Potatoes with Tuna and Cheese, Lemon Meringue pie and cream and entertainment.We also provided Sherry and red or white wine etc. There was a birthday cake and chocolates and I thoroughly enjoyed it. However it was a late night and we had to get up early the next morning to go to Sheffield.
Up early, I thought it was too early to let the girls out as it wasn't really sunrise yet. However when I looked out of the window there they were pecking away! I had forgotten to lock them up the night before!!
We went to Sheffield on business which involved a book company. The manager allowed me to choose some books and I got some really nice ones.
Then we went to Sonia and Michaels for lunch, and they did us proud, Smoked Salmon etc.
Then to Grahams brother Joe. Where we talked about the cruise they are soon to go on.
We were home around six. Then there was another accident. A policewoman had flipped her police car over in our neighbours front garden. That is the fourth accident on our road in the last two months. Everyone drives so very fast and they wonder why they can't make it round the bends. No one has been killed yet but it's only a matter of time. My neighbour went out to an accident last year and the man on the back seat of the car was so drunk that he didn't realise that his arm had been severed and was lying in her front garden! He was a professional guitarist so that put paid to him I guess!
Anyway, enough doom and gloom, Obama has made it to the white house and Rosa Parkes would have been so happy!
love Sheila xx

Monday, 12 January 2009


I have just been reading a book about brain training which exhorts me to eat Dark chocolate every day. It gives page after page of reasons and scientificly proven facts. It's good for sleep,sex,thinning the blood, opening the blood vessels, diabetese and depression! I have sent Graham to the shops to buy some!!!
Thinking about it, it must be the reason I am so brainy,after all I have eaten enough of the stuff!!
The weather is brutish. Today is not so cold but is very windy and rainy and is enough to bring on depression. ( hurry up with that chocolate Graham!)
Most of my friends have been laid low with the most awful viruses and have been really ill, so I am keeping away from them. Just to be on the safe side I had better eat some chocolate.
Still no blog from S&S. They say that Sonia will sort it for them when she gets there.
Love Sheila x

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

not ill!

I have just re read the last 20 blogs written by me. In none of them do I mention being ill! I did suffer some bruising when I fell off my bike but that could have happened to anyone. So I still maintain that my approach to life, diet etc lets me have a good life without constantly worrying about where my next organic avocado is coming from.
Not much happening, We have been scouring the internet ( or Graham has anyway) looking for where we might go on holiday. I suppose we will eventually come back to the idea of Florida although I keep thinking that I am a bit bored with Florida as I know it almost better then I know Mablethorpe.
Gina has had -10 and snow whereas we on the other hand have had Kansas like weather. Freezing but sunny.
I have managed to get the W.I. accounts ready for audit. Lets hope they are o.k
Love Sheila x

Monday, 5 January 2009

fitness blogs!

Oh, your blogs do entertain and amuse me. Here I am. Fat ,62, diabetic. I am otherwise as fit as a flea. I eat and drink what I want , when I want. No exercise other then walking and housework and I never have pulled muscles or broken ribs. All you that go to the gym, have massages etc. write a litany of complaints every day. Are your lives worth living?
Enough of the lecturing. I begin to sound like Montana Mike!
Not much to report. Everyone has got the dreaded lurge so there is not much socialising going on. I have spent about three days doing the W.I books ready for auditing, and if you know me you will know that I have always been useless at maths. Anyway, with Grahams help I have managed to balance them!
I am trying a new hairdresser tomorrow, It's in Mablethorpe so I shall probably come out looking like a dole chav!
The weather is bright but -2. Oh for a holiday somewhere hot.
Love Sheila x